According to The collegiate drug hypocrisy, schools like Colorado University have zero tolerance for pot, but they turn a blind eye on binge drinking. While alcohol is arguably the primary substance that causes depression, suicides, and accidents resolving in death, schools continue to advocate "drink responsibly" as long as you're 21. There are over 600,000 cases of alcohol related injuries per year, but like so many other universities, since CU is entwined with the alcohol culture, they just simply ignore the problem. However, they are cracking down hard on 4/20 consumers. Pot, a substance proven to have FAR less injuries and no overdoses, is prohibited inside dorms, even for students with medical licenses.
This articles shows how hypocritical our society is, how young americans are becoming victims to countless injuries, and how the government is turning their backs on a REAL issue because of MONEY. A money driven society that doesn't care about its consumers, silently advocating "party hard" but with a substance far more dangerous. How can alcohol be legalized, and pot is not? When it all boils down to it, all they want is our money. If it's really about health and wellness, then ban BOTH substances. Close down the alcohol business. But of course, we don't to make history repeat itself, do we?
In qmai21's blog she brought up the fact that the consumption and sale of alcohol is legal, but marijuana is not. I absolutely agree with Mai. It makes absolutely no sense that at the age of 18 in America, you are automatically registered to the military in case of a draft. Not only are you able to fight for your country, you are allowed to buy cigarettes, which is known to cause lung cancer. At 21, one is able to buy alcohol. With all the studies that have been conducted, alcohol consumption, fighting for your country, and smoking cigarettes are all possible causes of death. With all the studies that have been conducted on marijuana, not one study has shown marijuana to affect one's body. In fact, the effects of marijuana tends to lighten up one's mood, and relaxes one's body. In a documentary that I watched, it said that the only way marijuana could affect a human body in the wrong way is if one were to smoke 15,000 joints within 20 minutes. Even though there are thousands of cases of drunk driving casualties each year ranging from teens to adults, alcohol is still legal.
Mai states, "When it all boils down to it, all they want is our money. If it's really about health and wellness, then ban BOTH substances." I don't believe that what government wants is our money because if marijuana were to be legalized, I'm sure the government would tax marijuana, which would definitely stimulate our economy. What i do agree from Mai's statement is that if the government is so "worried" with the health and wellness of Americans, then they should definitely ban both substances. All in all, why is alcohol legal and marijuana is not when there are no cases of death caused by marijuana usage, but alcohol have.
I try hard to stay out of Politics
However it all comes down to.
#1. Obama is a Lier
the man smokes and tried hard to hide it from us.
#2. Obama is a Muslim
Say what you want he IS !
#3. Obama has been taking away our civil liberties all under a mask of doing right for the country.
Watch the clip.
Michelle bored says all of this ceremony over a stupid flag! He smiles.
These people are living the high life off your dollars!
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